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Art Psychotherapy

Do you mind some arts?

Unlock your creative potential and promote mental well-being with our art therapy services.

What is art (psycho)therapy?

How can it help me?

Through creative expression, you can explore emotions and find healing. But, 'art as therapy' is not art (psycho)therapy. The role of art (psycho)therapists is important, and by the way, they are not teachers or coaches.

Their role is to facilitate and accompany you, but not guide or teach you. They can contain and help you to process the content appearing during therapy, and cooperate with you to use the space. If you want to know more please follow the links below.
BAAT--what is art therapy?
Mind--Arts and creative therapies
BACP--What is art therapy?

Who is the art therapist?

My name is Yuxi, I provide art psychotherapy through Edinburgh and Mid-Lothian. I am dedicated to promoting mental health and creative self-expression through visual art. I have background in fine art, art psychotherapy, psychology, and education. I have been working with children in primary school, college and university students, and adults.

My service include online and in-person individual and small group art psychotherapy. I would like to pay special attention to minor groups with cross-cultural/multicultural experiences in the UK, to provide affordable art therapy service to more people.

I offer student price and limited charitable slots on monthly basis.

Wheelchair accessible appointment can be arranged in Leith, Edinburgh.

Our Services

The art therapy space is for you. The art therapist will facilitate you with the materials you prefer. You will get the individual therapy time to create in a nice and safe space at your own pace.

Individual Sessions
Open Group therapy

Sometimes it's nice to be around with others and create a shared space. Open group means the members are not fixed. The group works in a casual and organic way, with healthy boundaries and ethic policy applied.

Client Testimonials

"Art therapy has been a transformative experience for me. It has helped me express my emotions and gain a deeper understanding of myself."

Client feedback summarized

"I highly recommend Yuxi to anyone seeking your creative approaches in psychotherapy."

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